Fullerton Beautiful
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Police Department Gardens

The current landscaping of cactus and succulent plantings at the Fullerton Police Department, 237 W. Commonwealth Avenue, was initiated by members of Fullerton Beautiful. On-going care and development of the garden are undertaken by members in conjunction with the city's Landscape Maintenance Division. Visit the Police Department Gardens page.

City Hall Demonstration Garden

Fullerton Beautiful is a partner with the city's Landscape Maintenance Division in the design and planting of the demonstration garden on the north side of City Hall. As a way to reduce water consumption, the garden demonstrates the use of drought tolerant and native plants as an alternative to lawn maintenance or other water-thirsty landscaping. Visit the City Hall Demonstration Garden page.

The Planting of Public Streetscapes

In recent years Fullerton Beautiful has promoted the planting and maintenance of landscaping for city street medians and "pocket" public property to enhance the appearance of the community. Fullerton Beautiful was instrumental in the placement of landscaping at the Malvern / Woods Avenue intersection and assisted a neighborhood group, Skyline Beautiful, in the development of landscaping at the junction of Raymond Avenue and Skyline Drive. Visit the Public Streetscapes page.

Policy Development

Fullerton Beautiful continues to assist in the formulation of the city's adopted policies for the selection and maintenance of public street trees; this organization acts as ombudsman for neighborhood groups seeking assistance or clarification of the city's policies pertaining to street trees and other public landscaping issues.

This page was last updated: March 4, 2010

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